Jinasena Infotech brings to you the Microsoft Dynamics ERP systems that offers a complete general ledger solution. The system provides finance and accounting solutions to help track and analyze all your company’s financial information, so that you can remain in the know and ahead of the game.
The Microsoft Dynamics ERP system provides you and your company end-to- end integration, which allows for easy management and administration of all financial tasks such as creating and maintaining a general ledger (accounts, budget, and validation) as well as managing analytical accounting, inventory, cash flow, manufacturing costs, bank accounts, and fixed assets, In addition, the system will assist you in posting transactions; preparing financial statements; and reconciling accounts and collections across multiple companies, locations, and currencies. It can help grow your business irrespective of geographic locations by helping you understand your finances better. The system regulates your cash flow management and efficiency of financial operations thus allowing you to meet all government regulations.
Microsoft Dynamics is especially designed to enhance manufacturing capabilities. The system is equipped with the financial management features: